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Rząd zachęca do szczepień organizując loterię z nagrodami.



Rząd zachęca do szczepień organizując loterię z nagrodami.

Despite the adoption of the first dose of the vaccine by over 20 million, i.e. 50% of adult Poles, the government wants the vaccination program to run even more efficiently. Only vaccinating as many of our country’s population as possible can defeat the coronavirus. Convincing the most skeptical citizens of our country is currently the greatest challenge for those in power. That is why the government is introducing further facilitations; among other things, the possibility of being vaccinated with a second dose anywhere, and even during mass events. Anyone who decides to get vaccinated can also take part in the National Immunization Program lottery and win money or prizes in kind, including cars. Poles love lottery games and gambling. Anyone looking for information on where to get the biggest prizes can check out casino rankings such as or visit number betting sites. While protection against the virus should be the greatest reward for the vaccinated, the government hopes to attract the most resistant to vaccination points.

The National Immunization Program lottery is being held for the first time in history. It will be launched on July 1, 2021 and will be organized and run by Totalizator Sportowy with the support of other government institutions. The government also encourages local governments to take part in this promotion. Each participant will have four chances to win the prize. Each 2,000 vaccinated will receive a cash gift of PLN 500. There will be a draw every week in which the winners will be selected. The gifts in this draw will be two cash prizes worth PLN 50,000 each and prizes in kind: electric scooters and shopping coupons. Every month, throughout the year, each vaccinated will be able to take part in the draw of two prizes worth PLN 100,000 and hybrid cars. There will also be a grand prize; two winners will receive cash gifts of PLN 1,000,000 and a hybrid car. And although the government has not yet provided all the details of the organized lottery, preliminary findings show that anyone who registers in the system or who has already taken the vaccine can take part in it.

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The authorities are also trying to encourage local governments to take pro-vaccination measures. For each commune, depending on the number of inhabitants, special funds have been allocated for the promotion and organization of vaccination campaigns worth PLN 10 to 40 thousand. In addition, the first 500 municipalities that achieve the vaccination rate of 75% of adult citizens in their area will receive PLN 100,000 each. The government will transfer PLN 1 million to the accounts of exactly 49 municipalities with the highest vaccination coverage. The commune which achieves the highest level of vaccinated people in the whole country will receive the main prize worth PLN 2 million.

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